
The teacher responsible for leading this subject is Mrs Hodgson.

From day one, St George's pupils are encouraged to be inquisitive about the world around them - to question 'why,' 'how', 'what if' and to test out their ideas. Teachers automatically follow children's interests and allow children the time to explore, observe and draw their own conclusions, offering support and key questions at the right moment.

Our Science results speak for themselves - take our year 3 class who sat externally marked Science exams, with 56% of the class achieving a mark significantly above national expectations! We believe that our unique blend of learning within the classroom, related to an enquiry question at our farm produces children who can apply their learning and understand scientific processes because they have been involved at every step of the way.

Here is our policy detailing how Science is taught at St George's Prep.

Read how our farm and classroom environments create enthusiastic learners here.

Our children are fortunate to have many opportunities to work alongside industry professionals. Here is a y4 pupil benefitting from the expertise of an agronomist.

Our children are fortunate to have many opportunities to work alongside industry professionals. Here is a y4 pupil benefitting from the expertise of an agronomist.

We are incredibly fortunate to have the use of Willow Farm and access to professionals within the local community and beyond who bring Science alive and make it exciting and relevant for our pupils.

In the Summer of 2023, the whole school worked together on a project for the Lincolnshire County Show Schools Challenge. Mrs Bourne, our Farm School Lead organised a project like no other! The children bought and raised a pig (calculating the cost of its care until it visited the butcher). Working in conjunction with a locally renowned butcher year 5 developed a unique recipe for sausages. They then made hundreds of sausages, learning how to link them together! Another year group worked with a local caterer and a local vegetable merchant to create a delicious vegetarian alternative. Yet more year groups worked on advertising with year 6 composing jingles which were aired on BBC Radio Lincolnshire. Pupils prepared and presented a talk in front of the judges and answered their questions. To cut a long story short, our little school won!

The whole project crossed lots of subject boundaries - Art, English and IT, (designing posters, talking to the reporter, writing the presentation) Music, (composing jingles) DT, (creating recipes, taste tests, chopping ingredients) Maths (calculating the cost of the sausages) and resulted in the highest quality cross-curricular learning. 

Year 6 built aqueducts to understand gravity and fall.