Safeguarding is the most important focus of our school. It is such an important subject that the topic is covered at every staff meeting and staff receive ongoing training in this matter. Happy children learn and feel safe and secure at all times.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Mrs Gemma Hodgson. In her absence, please contact Mrs Annelies Bourne, Deputy Safeguarding Lead or Miss Kersti Duncan. 

Read our safeguarding policy.

At school, we have measures in place to keep the children in our care safe at all times: We ensure that children are collected by a known person, we follow up absences, we risk assess visits and activities, discuss safe online practices, ensure that current and future staff are checked and safe to work with children and also that children with allergies receive food which is safe to eat. It is a very demanding subject and quite rightly so!

Sometimes, a child may tell us about a worry or indicate that they have seen or heard something which is a concern. Occasionally, a child will talk about something that has happened to them. It takes a lot for a child to disclose a concern and we obviously take children's worries seriously.

We have an agreed and approved method of dealing with concerns; sometimes we would talk to parents and at other times, we would seek the advice of the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Team. It is our duty to ensure that children are kept safe at all times. It is also a condition of entry to our school that parents accept our responsibilities and obligations in this matter.

If parents are concerned about another child or family, whether at our school or in the wider community, they should talk to Mrs Hodgson who would advise the best course of action. Alternatively, the NSPCC are able to give impartial advice. See the link on the left of this page.

Recent topics covered during online and in-person staff training (2022):


County Lines

FGM and Breast Ironing


Roles and Responsibilities/Policy and Procedure

Affluent Neglect

Toxic Trio




Safeguarding is the most important focus of our school. It is such an important subject that the topic is covered at every staff meeting and staff receive ongoing training in this matter. Happy children learn and feel safe and secure at all times.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Mrs Gemma Hodgson. In her absence, please contact Mrs Annelies Bourne, Deputy Safeguarding Lead or Miss Kersti Duncan. 

Read our safeguarding policy.

At school, we have measures in place to keep the children in our care safe at all times: We ensure that children are collected by a known person, we follow up absences, we risk assess visits and activities, discuss safe online practices, ensure that current and future staff are checked and safe to work with children and also that children with allergies receive food which is safe to eat. It is a very demanding subject and quite rightly so!

Sometimes, a child may tell us about a worry or indicate that they have seen or heard something which is a concern. Occasionally, a child will talk about something that has happened to them. It takes a lot for a child to disclose a concern and we obviously take children's worries seriously.

We have an agreed and approved method of dealing with concerns; sometimes we would talk to parents and at other times, we would seek the advice of the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Team. It is our duty to ensure that children are kept safe at all times. It is also a condition of entry to our school that parents accept our responsibilities and obligations in this matter.

If parents are concerned about another child or family, whether at our school or in the wider community, they should talk to Mrs Hodgson who would advise the best course of action. Alternatively, the NSPCC are able to give impartial advice. See the link on the left of this page.

Recent topics covered during online and in-person staff training (2022):


County Lines

FGM and Breast Ironing


Roles and Responsibilities/Policy and Procedure

Affluent Neglect

Toxic Trio




Safeguarding is the most important focus of our school. It is such an important subject that the topic is covered at every staff meeting and staff receive ongoing training in this matter. Happy children learn and feel safe and secure at all times.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Mrs Gemma Hodgson. In her absence, please contact Mrs Annelies Bourne, Deputy Safeguarding Lead or Miss Kersti Duncan. 

Read our safeguarding policy.

At school, we have measures in place to keep the children in our care safe at all times: We ensure that children are collected by a known person, we follow up absences, we risk assess visits and activities, discuss safe online practices, ensure that current and future staff are checked and safe to work with children and also that children with allergies receive food which is safe to eat. It is a very demanding subject and quite rightly so!

Sometimes, a child may tell us about a worry or indicate that they have seen or heard something which is a concern. Occasionally, a child will talk about something that has happened to them. It takes a lot for a child to disclose a concern and we obviously take children's worries seriously.

We have an agreed and approved method of dealing with concerns; sometimes we would talk to parents and at other times, we would seek the advice of the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Team. It is our duty to ensure that children are kept safe at all times. It is also a condition of entry to our school that parents accept our responsibilities and obligations in this matter.

If parents are concerned about another child or family, whether at our school or in the wider community, they should talk to Mrs Hodgson who would advise the best course of action. Alternatively, the NSPCC are able to give impartial advice. See the link on the left of this page.

Recent topics covered during online and in-person staff training (2022):


County Lines

FGM and Breast Ironing


Roles and Responsibilities/Policy and Procedure

Affluent Neglect

Toxic Trio